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Swimming Pool Zoning Laws and Fencing Requirements Alpha Borough, Warren County

June 11, 2018

Updated as of June 2018

Swimming Pool, Private- A swimming pool operated as a secondary use to a residential dwelling unit or units and is located on an individual residential lot.

Definitions- As used in this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:


The entire tract of land belonging to the Borough of Alpha on which the community pool is located.


The concrete deck immediately surrounding the main pool and the wading pool.

358-2Membership; fees.

  1. The types of pool membership and fees therefor shall be as provided for elsewhere in the Alpha Borough Code.[1]Applications in excess of membership capacity will be dated and placed on a waiting list. As vacancies occur, applicants will be accepted for membership in the sequence in which their applications were received.


Editor’s Note: See Article II of this chapter.

  1. No fees are returnable for any reason after half the season has elapsed.
  1. All persons, upon payment of the designated fee and upon proper identification being presented to the pool office, shall be entitled to use the pool and its facilities during designated pool hours, subject to the pool capacity and to obeying all rules.
  2. When the capacity of the pool is reached (as determined by the pool manager or his or her authorized representative), the pool manager or such representative may limit entrance to the pool and its facilities as may be necessary for the safe and proper operation of the pool and pool area.
  3. All special activities or events, including parties, must receive approval by the head of the Department of Public Property or his or her authorized representative. Application for such special activity or event must be made to the pool manager at least one week prior to the date of such special activity or event. Approval shall not be withheld unreasonably, but paramount consideration shall be given to safety factors and to the rights of persons not participating in the special activity or event.

358-4 Hours of operation. [1]

The hours of operation shall be determined by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Alpha and shall be conspicuously posted on the bulletin board at the pool complex. Such hours of operation shall fluctuate as little as practicable, and members shall be notified of any such fluctuation by notice of at least 24 hours, such notice to be posted on the aforesaid bulletin board.


Editor’s Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).

358-5 Identification cards.

All persons purchasing season plans shall be issued identification cards which must be shown at the pool office for admission to the pool area. Identification cards are nontransferable. Anyone transferring a card or receiving a transferred card may have pool privileges revoked for the remainder of the season without a refund.

358-6 General rules for swimming.

  1. The pool may be used only when lifeguards are present.
  2. No swimming is permitted in the diving area of the pool, except as permitted by the pool manager. Diving will be permitted only in the designated diving areas.
  3. During general swimming hours, any child 10 years of age or under will not be permitted within the pool area unless accompanied by a responsible adult, who must remain with said child.
  4. Any child five years of age or under using the wading pool must be supervised by an adult.
  5. All persons, including children, must wear bathing suits in the main and wading pools. Children under the age of two years must also wear rubber pants in the wading pool.
  6. Any person having a communicable disease or open blister, cut, sore or inflammation or infection of the eye, ear, nose or mouth, excessive sunburn or any type of skin disease will be excluded from the pool area. No bandages will be allowed in the water.
  7. Dressing and undressing shall be done only in the locker rooms; and street clothing shall be left in designated areas.
  8. Street shoes will not be permitted in the pool deck area.
  9. The Borough of Alpha will not be responsible for the security of personal property brought into the pool area or stored in lockers.
  10. All litter, paper and other debris must be placed in designated trash receptacles.

358-7General prohibitions.

  1. No glass containers may be brought within the fenced-in portion of the pool area.

No alcoholic beverages will be permitted in the pool area unless authorized by the Department of Public Property in connection with a special event.

  1. No food or beverages shall be served and/or consumed within the pool area except in designated areas.
  2. No gum chewing shall be permitted in the pool or on the pool deck. All cigarettes and cigar butts and ashes therefrom and all pipe ashes must be placed in proper receptacles. Smoking will be permitted only in specifically designated areas.
  3. No gambling, roughness, rowdiness or other conduct which may endanger persons or property or infringe on the rights of members to enjoy the use of the pool will be permitted in the pool area.
  4. No pets or animals will be permitted in the pool area.


  1. A copy of this article shall be prominently posted at the pool, and the rules and regulations set forth herein shall be strictly enforced.
  2. Lifeguards and pool staff members shall assist the pool manager in enforcing pool regulations. Violations will be brought to the attention of the pool manager and/or his assistants, who will take appropriate action to correct the situation and to preserve the safety, welfare and security of persons and property.
  3. The Department of Public Property, its designated representative or the pool manager, or in his absence the assistant manager, may temporarily close or limit the swimming facilities or establish such temporary additional rules and regulations whenever such action is necessary for the protection of the health, safety or welfare of persons using the pool.

358-9Violations and penalties; suspension or revocation of membership.

  1. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be subject to immediate ejection from the pool area by the pool manager or the assistant manager, or any representative thereof, and such person’s membership shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the Department of Public Property.
  2. If membership of any person or family is obtained by means of a fraudulent statement, such membership may be canceled without refund.
  3. Destruction of property shall result in suspension or revocation of membership without refund.
  4. Violations of this article which also constitute violations of other Borough ordinances may be brought to the attention of the Police Department of the Borough of Alpha, which may take appropriate action.[1]


Editor’s Note: Former Art. II, John Dolak Memorial Pool, adopted 2-8-1980 by Ord. No. 309 (Ch. 107, Art. II, of the 1974 Code), as amended, was repealed 3-22-2005 by Ord. No. 05-03. Per Ord. No. 05-03, from and after the date of adoption of said ordinance, no fees, rents or charges shall be charged to local taxpayers for services rendered by the pool. Any delinquent rates, rents, fees or charges for such pool shall be paid to the municipality and shall be accounted for in accordance with the rules made and provided therefor, according to the Borough Auditor.


For more information on New Jersey pool fencing laws and regulations, or if you are interested in what designs work best around your pool, visit Carl’s at or call 732-504-3372.

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