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Swimming Pool Zoning Laws and Fencing Requirements Township of Haddon, Camden County

June 11, 2018

Updated as of June 2018


This chapter shall be known and cited as the “Swimming Pool Ordinance of the Township of Haddon in Camden County, State of New Jersey.”


The words, terms or phrases listed herein, for the purpose of this chapter, shall be defined as follows:


Any artificially constructed swimming pool or tank maintained and operated by a private group or club or limited to residents of a block, district, neighborhood, community or other specified area of residence for the use of members or their guests.

PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL                      

Any artificially constructed swimming pool or tank having a depth of six inches or greater and a diameter of six feet or greater or a volume in excess of 100 cubic feet, established or maintained by any individual, association, firm or corporation upon any premises as an appurtenance to a residence for the use of the occupants of such residence or their guests.

208-3Permits and registration; fees.

An application for permits for the construction and maintenance of any swimming pool and registration of any swimming pool presently in existence in the Township, as they are defined in § 208-2 hereof, shall be made with the Building Inspector by the owner of the property upon which it is to be constructed or upon which it exists or by the contractor who will construct the same. For new construction of below-grade or in-ground pools, the application shall be accompanied by duplicate sets of plans, specifications and plot plans of the property. The plot plan shall show the accurate location of the proposed pool on the property, together with any proposed accessory buildings. The plot plan shall also show the location, height and type of all existing fencing or walks on the boundary lines of the property, together with the type and heights of fencing or enclosure as may be required by this chapter.

An applicant for a permit for the construction of any swimming pool, required by Subsection A above, shall pay to the Clerk of the Township of Haddon the fee provided by Chapter 111, Fees.

[Amended 4-26-2005 by Ord. No. 1131; 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. 1170]

No permit for a below-grade or in-ground swimming pool as defined in this chapter shall be issued by the Building Inspector until the plans, specifications and plot plan have been examined by the Building Inspector and a determination has been made by him that the said plans meet with all existing Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes adopted by the Township of Haddon.


No private swimming pool or private club swimming pool as defined by this chapter shall be erected or placed in any area which would violate the rear or side line requirements for the construction of any other structure presently established in the Township of Haddon Zoning Ordinance.[1]


Editor’s Note: See Ch. 142, Land Use and Development, Art. V, Zoning.

No private swimming pool or private club swimming pool shall contain drain outlets which connect in any manner to any sanitary sewage disposal system. All private swimming pools and private club swimming pools shall hereafter have drain outlets which connect to the storm sewers if such storm sewers are adjacent to the property upon which such pools are located. In the event such storm sewers are not adjacent to the property upon which such pools are located, such pools shall have drain outlets which empty into the public streets. In no event, however, shall any pool whose drain empties into the public streets be emptied or drained when the temperature is less than 40º F.

No swimming pool regulated by this chapter shall be permitted within a front yard as defined by the Zoning Ordinance.[2]


Editor’s Note: See Ch. 142, Land Use and Development.

 208-5Water supply and purity; design.

Water supply. There shall be no physical connection between a public or private potable water supply system and any swimming pool regulated by this chapter at a point below the maximum water level of the swimming pool or to a recirculation or heating system of any such swimming pool unless such physical connection is so installed and operated that no pool water can be discharged or siphoned into a potable water supply system.s

Water purity. The physical, chemical and bacterial qualities of the water in swimming pools shall comply with the latest requirements made by the American Public Health Association and by the New Jersey State Department of Health.

Design requirements. Swimming pools regulated by this chapter shall be so designed and constructed as to facilitate emptying and cleaning and shall be maintained and operated in such manner as to be clean and sanitary at all times. The inlet of the pool shall be so located and spaced as to secure satisfactory dispersion of inflowing water throughout the pool and to permit draining, cleaning and disinfection of the bottom and the sides.


All below-grade or in-ground swimming pools as defined in § 208-2 hereof shall be enclosed by a fence of sufficient strength and construction to prevent persons, and especially young children, from unauthorized entry into the pool area in question. Such fence shall also be of such materials and constructed in such a manner as to be consistent with the aesthetics of surrounding buildings or structures. Such fence shall be no less than 60 inches in height and extend at least eight inches below finished grade. No fence required by this section shall have an opening without a gate. Any gate or gates so required shall be of the same height, materials and construction as the fence to which such gate or gates are attached. All such gate or gates shall be equipped with locking devices and locked when the pool in question is unguarded and not in use. No portion of any fence required by this section shall be less than four feet from the outer extremity of the pool enclosed by such fence.

Above-grade or portable pools shall be enclosed with similar-type fencing as described in Subsection A above, with the following exceptions:


Above-grade or portable pools having sidewalls attached in excess of five feet in height with removable ladders, or ladders which shall be elevated when not in use.


Those pools equipped with a safety cover capable of supporting 150 pounds. This cover must be in place at all times when the pool is left unguarded.


Above-grade or portable pools less than three feet deep or 10 feet in diameter shall be drained when not in use or left unguarded.


No artificial lighting shall be maintained or operated in connection with any pool as defined in this chapter in such a manner as to be a nuisance or annoyance to neighboring properties. All electrical installations provided for, installed and used in connection with pools as defined in this chapter shall be of a type approved by the Underwriters’ and shall be located on the outside of the walk area, except approved Underwriters’ lighting. No electrical conductors shall cross any swimming pool.


Any nuisance which may exist or develop in or in consequence of or in connection with any swimming pool as defined in this chapter shall be abated or removed by the owners.

Whenever the Township Clerk shall be informed of or shall receive a complaint which concerns public health, said complaint shall immediately be referred to the Camden County Department of Health. The said Camden County Department of Health shall also act as the enforcing agent for the Township. Any reference hereinabove or hereinafter to “Board of Health” or “Health Officer” shall be the Camden County Board of Health.

Owners or persons in possession of swimming pools as defined in this chapter shall allow the Health Officer and Building Inspector access to inspect such pool and the appurtenances at any time it may be required by the Board of Health or the Mayor and Commissioners of the Township of Haddon.

The Board of Health may cause any swimming pool as defined in this chapter to be inspected for compliance with the Plumbing Code of the Township of Haddon.

Any accessory building such as locker rooms, bathhouses, cabanas, shower rooms, toilets, runways or any other physical facility or equipment incident to the maintenance and operation of any of the above described shall be in conformance with the rules and regulations as set forth in the Township of Haddon Zoning Ordinance.[1]


Editor’s Note: See Ch. 142, Land Use and Development, Art. V, Zoning.

The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to swimming pools as defined in this chapter.

208-9Violations and penalties.

It shall be unlawful to maintain a private swimming pool or a private club swimming pool without registering such pool as required by § 208-3A above. It shall also be unlawful to construct a private swimming pool or a private club swimming pool without first having obtained a permit for the construction of such pool as provided in § 208-3A above.

Any person, persons, unincorporated associations or corporations, or otherwise, who shall permit, take part or assist in any violation of this chapter; shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days, or both in the discretion of the Judge before whom each conviction shall be had. Whenever such violation shall continue for more than one day, each day of the continuation of said offense shall be considered as a separate violation of this chapter.

[Amended 4-7-1987 by Ord. No. 819]


For more information on New Jersey pool fencing laws and regulations, or if you are interested in what designs work best around your pool, visit Carl’s at or call 732-504-3372.

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