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Swimming Pool Zoning Laws and Fencing Requirements Township of Jackson, Ocean County

June 11, 2018

Updated as of June 2018

244-216Swimming pools.

Commercial or private club swimming pools.


Location of club or bathhouse. All commercial or private club swimming pools shall provide a suitable club- or bathhouse building. The club- or bathhouse for an outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool shall be set back not less than 100 feet from the front property line and not closer than 50 feet to the side and rear property lines. However, no club- or bathhouse shall be required for a hotel or a motel.


Pool location. An outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool shall be located not less than 25 feet from the side or rear of the clubhouse, bathhouse, motel or hotel on the building lot and not less than 100 feet from the front property line and not less than 50 feet from the side and rear property lines.


Off-street parking.


Ample parking spaces shall be provided in an area or areas located not less than 100 feet from the front property line and no less than 50 feet from the side or rear residential property lines.


For a private club with a membership of up to 100 members, not less than 80 car spaces shall be provided. For each additional 25 members or a fraction thereof, not less than 20 additional car spaces shall be provided.


For a commercial pool with up to 100 lockers or clothes baskets, there shall be provided not less than 40 car spaces, and for each additional 25 lockers or clothes baskets, not less than 10 additional car spaces, and, in addition thereto, two car spaces for each three family lockers.


Size of pool.


A swimming pool for a private club, limited to a maximum of 100 members, shall have a minimum size of 1,800 square feet, and for each additional 25 members or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 450 square feet.


For a commercial swimming pool limited to a total of 100 lockers or baskets for bathers’ clothing, the minimum size of the pool shall be 2,000 square feet, and for every additional 25 lockers or baskets or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 500 square feet.


Swimming section. The diving section shall be greater than 5 1/2 feet in depth, and the nondiving section shall be less than 5 1/2 feet in depth. The area reserved around each diving board or platform provided for diving purposes shall be not less than 300 square feet.


Pump location. The pump of a filtration or pumping system of a commercial swimming pool or private club pool shall be located not less than 50 feet from any side or rear property line.


Deck area or walks surrounding the swimming pools. The area devoted to decks or walkways surrounding the swimming pools shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width and shall not be a grass surface.


Lounging and spectator area. In addition to the decks or walks surrounding the swimming pool, an area shall be provided for lounging or spectator use. The area devoted to lounging or spectator use shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 times the water surface areas of all swimming pools. The surface of the lounging and spectator areas shall not be grass.


Club- and bathhouse facilities. The club- and bathhouse shall be equipped with separate facilities for men and women. These facilities shall include adequate dressing rooms, lockers, showers and toilets.


Wading pool. A swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall provide a separate wading pool.


Pool enclosure. To provide safety and a degree of privacy, an outdoor swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall be surrounded entirely by a suitably strong tight fence. All supporting structures shall be on the inside of the fence, and the top of such support shall be at least one inch lower than the top of the fence.


Lighting. A complete system of artificial lighting shall be provided for a swimming pool, including lounging and parking areas, which is operated by a private club or for commercial use. Arrangement and design of lights shall be such that all parts of the pool and its appurtenances shall be clearly visible to attendants. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam from falling upon any adjoining property. All on-site and underwater lighting shall be designed, installed and grounded so as not to create a hazard to bathers.


Noise. No sound-amplifying system shall be operated or other activities permitted at any swimming pool for commercial or private club use which shall cause undue noise or constitute a nuisance to the surrounding neighbors.

Private, residential swimming pools.


Types of pools.


Permanent underground.


Permanent aboveground: aboveground pools equipped with fences built above the top level of the pool.


Temporary aboveground: aboveground pools not equipped with fences built above the top of the pool.


Lighting. All lighting fixtures for a private swimming pool shall be installed so as to comply with all applicable safety regulations and shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam of light from shining on any adjoining property.


Electric lines. No overhead electric lines shall be carried across any swimming pool or wading area.


An application for a permit to construct a private swimming pool shall include a plot plan or survey of the property clearly showing the location of the proposed pool with setback distances from the property lines and distances from buildings and structures on the property. The plan shall be adequate for the Construction Official to clearly identify the proposed pool location in the field.


Pools that are less than 24 inches deep or having a surface area less than 250 square feet, except when such pools are permanently equipped with a water-recirculating system or involve structural materials, shall not require a permit.


If required by the Construction Official, the application for an in-ground swimming pool shall include a grading plan showing existing and proposed grades and the proposed flow of surface drainage. This plan shall also show the location of the proposed pool and any appurtenances and be signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey.


Pump location.


A pump of a filtration or pumping station for a private residential swimming pool shall be situated a minimum of 15 feet from the rear lot line.


The location of a pump of a filtration or pumping station for a private residential swimming pool shall meet the minimum required side yard setback distances for principle buildings, as specified in this chapter, for the zoning district within which the property is located.




In-ground pools shall be surrounded entirely by a fence, with no openings greater than a two-inch square, and shall be capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts located not more than eight feet apart; however, the residence may serve as part of the enclosure. The fence shall be located not less than six feet from the closest edge of the pool. Fences shall be at least four feet high above grade and no more than six feet in height, and, if made of wire, they must be of the chain-link type. All supporting structures shall be on the inside of the fence, and the top of such support shall be at least one inch lower than the top of the fence.


Permanent aboveground pools constructed with an attached deck and fence being at least four feet in height above ground level and capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts located not more than eight feet apart need no additional fencing.


Temporary aboveground pools, when not in use, must be emptied or covered with a suitable protective covering, securely fastened or locked in place unless enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements for a permanent underground pool.


Gate. Any opening or openings in the fence to afford entry to the pool shall be equipped with a gate similar to the fence and shall extend from not more than two inches above the ground to the height of the fence. The gate shall be of a self-closing type, opening outwardly only, and shall be equipped with a lock and key or padlock and chain and shall be kept locked, except when the pool is in use.


For more information on New Jersey pool fencing laws and regulations, or if you are interested in what designs work best around your pool, visit Carl’s at or call 732-504-3372.

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