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Swimmming Pool Zoning Laws and Fencing Requirements Borough of Runnemede, Camden County

June 11, 2018

Updated as of June 2018


The words, terms or phrases hereinafter listed in this chapter shall be defined and interpreted as follows:


Includes the construction, building, erection, creation, installation, placing or maintaining of a new swimming pool, portable pool or wading pool, as herein defined, or the enlargement of an existing pool as aforesaid or of any of its facilities.


The written authorization by the municipality to use, maintain or operate a swimming pool, as herein defined.


The Borough of Runnemede.


The written authorization by the municipality or its agents to any person to construct or install a swimming pool, as herein defined.


Includes natural persons, corporations, companies, associations, partnerships and joint-stock companies.


Includes any above-land-surface swimming, bathing or wading pool that is constructed of canvas, rubber, plastic or other material which is not designed or intended to be stationary or permanently fixed, but one which is so designed, manufactured, constructed and intended as to be removable and storable.


Outdoor pools above or below grade level, including those which are artificially constructed at a fixed location as well as portable pools, and which are installed, constructed, established, placed and used to provide recreational facilities for swimming, bathing or wading, and all buildings, equipment and appurtenances thereto which are below the surface of the adjacent land and those which are above the surface, or partly above the surface and partly below the surface, and have a capacity of more than 300 gallons.

[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195]


Includes an outdoor pool above or below grade level, including those which are artificially constructed at a fixed location as well as portable pools, which is installed, constructed, established, placed and used to provide recreational facilities for bathing and wading but not intended for swimming, including all buildings, equipment and appurtenances thereto, and the depth of which is less than that of the pools described in this section.

336-2Compliance required.

[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195[1]]

It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to construct, maintain, install, create or place any swimming, bathing or wading pool, which is more than 300 gallons in capacity, whether at a fixed location or portable pool, as herein defined, in the municipality, without first having complied with the provisions of this chapter.


Editor’s Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).

 336-3Permit required; application.

Hereafter, no person shall construct, build, erect, maintain, install, create or place any permanent or stationary or portable type of swimming, bathing or wading pool on or at premises within the municipality without first having obtained a permit therefor. The application for such a permit shall be made to the Building Inspector of the municipality or to such other official as may hereafter be designated by a resolution of the governing body of the municipality. Such application shall be executed in duplicate and shall contain all the information as required by this chapter, including the following: A clear description shall be given of the type of swimming, bathing or wading pool as aforesaid, and of the fence or other enclosure proposed to surround the swimming or bathing or wading pool as aforesaid, as is required by § 336-6A hereof; the type of material to be used; the proposed height thereof and the number of gates or doors therein; said fence or other enclosure shall conform to the height standards provided in § 336-6 of this chapter.

The application shall be for the issuance of the permit by said municipality.

[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195]

336-4Application approval or rejection.

Upon the filing of an application for a permit hereunder, properly executed, the Construction Code Official or other designated Borough official shall act upon the same in the following manner:

Approve the application as submitted and cause a permit to be issued therefor; or

Approve the application subject to any correction, modifications or additional information required to be furnished in order to assure proper compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and upon receipt of such amended application the Construction Code Official shall issue such permit; or

Reject the application when it is determined that a permit should not be issued; in case of such a rejection, the applicant may appeal therefrom in the manner hereinafter provided.

336-5Location specifications.

A swimming, bathing or wading pool, whether of a permanent or stationary type of construction or of a portable nature, as herein defined, shall not be constructed, installed, located, established, maintained, created or placed within five feet of any property line nor nearer to any street line upon which a residence fronts than the existing setback line of said residence building, but in no case, regardless of the building setback line, shall such a pool be located less than 30 feet from the front street line.

[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195

A swimming, bathing or wading pool, whether of a permanent or stationary or portable type, shall not be constructed, installed, located, maintained, established, created or placed on any land unless a residence building is also located thereon.


[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195; 10-24-2017 by Ord. No. 17-16]

Requirements for fences around swimming, bathing or wading pools are controlled by the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code, and it shall be a requirement to pay the necessary expenses for a Uniform Construction Code permit in addition to this application and zoning permit.


An appeal from the refusal by the Construction Code Official or other designated Borough official to grant a permit under this chapter may be made to the Mayor and Borough Council, provided that an appeal is filed with the Borough Clerk within 15 days from the denial of a permit by the Construction Code Official.

336-8Violations and penalties.

[Amended 8-3-1965 by Ord. No. 195; 3-17-1970 by Ord. No. 238; 3-2-2010 by Ord. No. 10-04]

Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalty as provided in § 1-15, General penalty, of this Code.


For more information on New Jersey pool fencing laws and regulations, or if you are interested in what designs work best around your pool, visit Carl’s at or call 732-504-3372.

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