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Swimming Pool Zoning Laws and Fencing Requirements Township of Lacey, Ocean County

June 11, 2018

Updated as of June 2o18


Facilities constructed above or below the ground, having a depth of more than two feet or a water surface of 100 square feet or more, or both, and designed and maintained for swimming purposes. Swimming pools shall include all buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances thereto.

407-1Purpose; compliance required.

In order to protect the public health from the hazards of certain waterborne infections, the following swimming water quality standards shall be maintained by the owners and/or operators of swimming pools.


As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:


To conduct, maintain or otherwise provide facilities for bathing at a swimming pool.


Includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint-stock companies as well as individuals.


Includes fill-and-draw, flow-through and recirculation pools, outdoor and indoor, which are artificially constructed to provide recreational facilities for swimming, bathing or wading and all buildings, equipment and appurtenances thereto. It shall not include naturally or artificially constructed outdoor ponds, rivers or lakes or baths used for the cleansing of the body or the practicing of the healing arts. It shall not include swimming or wading pools established or maintained upon any premises by any individual for his own or his family’s use or use by guests of his household.

407-3Water quality standards.

Analysis. All chemical and bacteriological analyses of swimming pool waters shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater, published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. Either the multiple tube fermentation or the membrane filter technique shall be used.

Procedure. Swimming pool operators shall have pool water samples analyzed by a laboratory approved and/or licensed by the New Jersey State Department of Health for such tests.

Reports of all analyses shall be forwarded to the Lacey Township Board of Health within forty-eight (48) hours of completion.

Frequency. Samples shall be collected at least once every two (2) weeks at each end of the pool during periods of heavy bathing loads.

Bacterial quality standards. For the purpose of this chapter, the bacterial quality of swimming pool waters shall be judged on the basis of coliform densities determined by either the multiple tube fermentation technique or the membrane filter test procedure.


Multiple tube fermentation technique:


Standard sampling. For the purpose of this chapter, a standard sampling shall consist of the ten (10) standard portions obtained from the two (2) samples taken from the pool in accordance with Subsection D.


Maximum coliform densities. Of all ten (10) standard portions obtained from a standard sampling, not more than one (1) portion shall show the presence of organisms of the coliform group at any time.


Membrane filter test:


Standard sample. A standard sample of pool water shall consist of one hundred (100) milliliters.


Standard sampling. For the purpose of this chapter, a standard sampling shall consist of two (2) samples taken from the pool in accordance with Subsection D.


Maximum coliform densities. The number of coliform organisms present shall not be more than one and zero-tenths (1.0) per standard sample [one hundred (100) milliliters].

Samples not meeting standards. The Lacey Township Board of Health or its authorized agent shall obtain and have additional samples analyzed if those taken pursuant to Subsection B do not meet standards established by Subsection E.

Chemical quality.


Free chlorine residuals and pH values shall be determined not less than four (4) times during any day the pool is in operation.


Free chlorine residuals and pH values shall be maintained within the following ranges:

pH Free Chlorine Residual

(parts per million)

7.2 to 8.2 At least 4


If other swimming pool water disinfectants are used, residuals of equivalent disinfecting strength shall be maintained whenever the pool is open or in use.


Comparators for measuring disinfectant residuals and pH shall be provided.

Physical quality. The water of a pool, when in use, shall be sufficiently clear to permit a black disk six (6) inches in diameter superimposed upon a white field placed at the bottom of the deepest end of the pool to be clearly visible from the pool sidewalk at all distances up to ten (10) yards measured in a horizontal distance from the projection of the disk onto the pool surface.

407-4Responsibility for costs.

All costs for analyses required by this chapter shall be borne by the owner and/or operator of the swimming pool.

407-5Swimming pool in violation declared to be nuisance.

A swimming pool operated in violation of this chapter is hereby declared to be a public health nuisance and may be ordered to cease operation upon summary action by the Lacey Township Board of Health or its authorized agent, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:3-45 through 3-63.

407-6Violations and penalties.

Penalties for violation of this chapter shall be not less than five dollars ($5.) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.). Each day a violation shall continue to exist shall be considered a separate offense subject to penalty.


For more information on New Jersey pool fencing laws and regulations, or if you are interested in what designs work best around your pool, visit Carl’s at or call 732-504-3372.

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